Per­fect Par­ty Chick­en Curry

(serves 10 and then some)

3 tbsps veg­etable oil
1 tbsp each: cur­ry pow­der, ras el hanout, turmer­ic ground cumin, ground coriander
8 cloves gar­lic, minced
4 onions, minced
10 chick­en breast fil­lets, cut in bite-size pieces
6 col­ored pep­pers: I mixed red, yel­low and orange, cut in bite-size pieces
2 soup-size cans coconut milk
salt and pep­per to taste

In a very large skil­let or pael­la pan, heat the oil. Add the spices and cook until bub­bling well. This step is very impor­tant. Do not think you can add the spices at any old time, although an adjust­ment of a bit more as you taste is all right. These spices release their fla­vors and at the same time cook off their bit­ter­ness but only if you cook them in the oil first.

Add the gar­lic, onions and chick­en and cook, stir­ring well, until the chick­en is near­ly cooked. Add the pep­pers and stir until well-coat­ed. Pour over the coconut milk, tak­ing care to shake the unopened cans first to blend. Now, turn down the heat and bub­ble very low until the chick­en is thor­ough­ly cooked, about 10 min­utes. Obvi­ous­ly, do not taste the sauce until this point! But now taste away and begin adding salt. It will require quite a bit. Add pep­per to taste. Serve with steamed bas­mati rice. LOVELY.

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