Quick Left­over Stir-Fry with Fried Rice

(serves 4)

2 left­over grilled pork shops (or steaks, or chick­en breasts, or lamb chops)
4 cloves gar­lic, minced
1 thumb-sized knob gin­ger, peeled and minced
2 tbsps sesame oil
2 tbsps soy sauce
1 tbsp peanut (ground­nut) oil
1 pack­age broc­col­i­ni (ten­der­stem)
1 pack­age bean sprouts
1 pack­age ready-cooked (Amoy is the brand I use) fine noodles

1 cup jas­mine or bas­mati rice
1 1/2 cups water
3 eggs, beaten
1 tbsp soy sauce

So while your child does her home­work, slice the chops or what­ev­er left­over meat fair­ly thin. Put in a medi­um shal­low bowl and add the gar­lic, gin­ger, sesame oil and soy sauce. Mar­i­nate in the fridge while you swim.

Cook the rice and set aside. Leave the eggs, beat­en, in the fridge.

When you come home, heat up a large skil­let and add the peanut oil. Fry the ten­der­stem broc­col­i­ni under nice­ly ten­der, and place in a large serv­ing bowl. Now throw the meat in its mari­nade in the same skil­let and fry until warm, then add the sprouts and noo­dles until well-mixed and hot. Take out with tongs and place in same large serv­ing bowl with broccolini.

Now heat the liq­uid in the skil­let and scram­ble the eggs in it. When fin­ished, throw in the rice and toss well to mix thor­ough­ly, adding the soy sauce.

Love­ly, and it cost about 8 pounds alto­geth­er and did­n’t take much effort (although the cleanup can be annoy­ing, giv­en how easy it was to cook! but be brave and persevere).

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