Category: Desserts


Fely’s Banana and Apple Cake

Fely’s Apple Banana Spice Cake (serves about 8 for tea, also very good for break­fast) 1 1/2 cups/200g plain flour 1 tsp bak­ing soda 1 tsp bak­ing pow­der 1/2…


Eton Mess

(serves at least 10) 2 lbs straw­ber­ries, hulled and quar­tered 2 pints heavy whip­ping cream, whipped with a trace of vanil­la and a tbsp sug­ar 2 cups…

Per­fect Blue­ber­ry Pancakes 1

Per­fect Blue­ber­ry Pancakes

(makes about 4 large, and the bat­ter eas­i­ly stays good for four days) 1 egg 3 tbsps but­ter 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup plus 2 tbsps all-pur­­pose flour…