Category: Desserts


Mini Cheese­cakes

Mini Cheese­cakes (makes about two dozen) 10 oz/280g gra­ham crack­ers, or diges­tive bis­cuits, crushed fine 1 stick/114g but­ter, melt­ed 2 packages/500g Philadel­phia cream cheese, room temperature…


White and Milk Choco­late Chip Cake

White and Milk Choco­late Chip Cake (serves 8) 2 cups all-pur­­pose (plain) flour 3/4 cup sug­ar (cast­er) 1 tbsp bak­ing pow­der pinch of fresh-grat­ed nut­meg pinch…


Deli­a’s Choco­late Mousse

Deli­a’s Choco­late Mousse (quan­ti­ties for 1 per­son, sim­ply mul­ti­ply for your par­ty) 1 egg, 2 ounces high-qual­i­­ty choco­late Sep­a­rate eggs.  Melt choco­late in a dou­ble-boil­er and…