Category: Fish


Vin­cen­t’s Salmon with Cream & Vegetables

Prepa­ra­tion time: 10–15 min­utes Cook­ing Time: 25–30 min­utes Lev­el of Dif­fi­cul­ty: Very Easy Occa­sion: Din­ner Par­ty or Sun­day Lunch Approx 1 Kilo of Salmon Fil­let in one…

Vin­cen­t’s Salmon with Cream & Vegetables 0

Vin­cen­t’s Salmon with Cream & Vegetables

Vin­cen­t’s Salmon with Cream & Veg­eta­bles Prepa­ra­tion time: 10–15 min­utes Cook­ing Time: 25–30 min­utes Lev­el of Dif­fi­cul­ty: Very Easy Occa­sion: Din­ner Par­ty or Sun­day Lunch Approx 1…


Have you ever gut­ted a lemon sole? It’s very off-putting and icky. How­ev­er, all the slav­ing did result in an incred­i­bly tasty dish that also…