Category: Main Courses

Sesame Salmon 0

Sesame Salmon

(serves 2) 2 salmon fil­lets dress­ing as above Place the salmon fil­lets in an oven­proof dish and pour dress­ing over. Flip the fil­lets so both sides…

Bison Chilli 0

Bison Chilli

(serves 6) 2 lbs ground bison (buf­fa­lo) 1 white onion, minced 4 cloves gar­lic, minced 1 soup-size can black beans 1 soup-size can red kid­ney beans 1…

Clas­sic Win­ter Brisket 0

Clas­sic Win­ter Brisket

(serves 6‑ish) 3 tbsps olive oil 1 flat-cut brisket 5 cloves gar­lic, minced 1 white onion, sliced thin 1 bot­tle Guin­ness 2 cups chick­en stock 2 large…