Category: Main Courses


Spatch­cocked Grilled Chick­en with Herbs

(serves four eas­i­ly with left­overs for lunch) 1 large organ­ic chick­en 2 tbsps olive oil 3 cloves gar­lic, minced hand­ful chives, chopped hand­ful flat-leaf pars­ley, chopped 1…

Baked East­er Glouces­ter Old Spot Gammon 0

Baked East­er Glouces­ter Old Spot Gammon

(serves EVERY­ONE!) 1 3 kg (6‑pound) smoked gam­mon joint 1/2 cup hon­ey 1/2 cup Dijon mus­tard Place the gam­moin joint in a stove- and oven-proof casse­role and…