Category: Main Courses

Orlan­do’s Steak St Juery 0

Orlan­do’s Steak St Juery

(serves 6) 50g unsalt­ed but­ter, soft­ened, plus 10g extra 50g Roque­fort cheese (we sub­sti­tut­ed Welsh goats cheese, bril­liant) 1 shal­lot, chopped fine­ly 3 tbsp Marsala or…

Quick Left­over Stir-Fry with Fried Rice 0

Quick Left­over Stir-Fry with Fried Rice

(serves 4) 2 left­over grilled pork shops (or steaks, or chick­en breasts, or lamb chops) 4 cloves gar­lic, minced 1 thumb-sized knob gin­ger, peeled and minced…

Per­fect Par­ty Chick­en Curry 0

Per­fect Par­ty Chick­en Curry

(serves 10 and then some) 3 tbsps veg­etable oil 1 tbsp each: cur­ry pow­der, ras el hanout, turmer­ic ground cumin, ground corian­der 8 cloves gar­lic, minced…