Category: Main Courses

Vin­cen­t’s Salmon with Cream & Vegetables 0

Vin­cen­t’s Salmon with Cream & Vegetables

Vin­cen­t’s Salmon with Cream & Veg­eta­bles Prepa­ra­tion time: 10–15 min­utes Cook­ing Time: 25–30 min­utes Lev­el of Dif­fi­cul­ty: Very Easy Occa­sion: Din­ner Par­ty or Sun­day Lunch Approx 1…

Riga­toni alla Vod­ka (serves four) 0

Riga­toni alla Vod­ka (serves four)

Riga­toni alla Vod­ka (serves four) 3/4 lb riga­toni pas­ta 1 large can peeled plum toma­toes 1 tbsp Ital­ian sea­son­ing 3 tbsps but­ter 4 cloves gar­lic, minced 1…



  Crab­cakes (inspired by Joel’s Crab­cakes, thank you) (makes approx­i­mate­ly 8) 1 lb fresh claw crab­meat, cooked and picked over 1/2 cup thin­ly sliced green onions, white…