Category: Pasta


Guan­ciale Carbonara

Guan­ciale Car­bonara (serves four) 2 tbsps extra vir­gin olive oil 350g guan­ciale, cut into pieces about the size of your fin­ger­nail 100g grat­ed Pecori­no, and a…


Olimpia’s Green Veg­etable Campanelle

Olimpia’s Green Veg­etable Cam­pan­elle (serves about 6–8) 3 tbsps olive oil 4 leeks 4 cloves gar­lic 1 large bunch aspara­gus, cut in 2‑inch pieces 3/4 cup baby peas pinch…


Per­fect Bolog­nese Sauce

Per­fect Bolog­nese Sauce (serves 6 with spaghet­ti) 1 tbsp olive oil 4 cloves gar­lic, minced 1 white onion, minced 3 stalks cel­ery, minced 3 medi­um car­rots, minced…