Category: Pork


Break­fast Strata

Break­fast Stra­ta (serves 8) 12 slices old-fash­ioned white bread, cut into 1‑inch cubes 1 lb pork sausage 1/2 lb chest­nut mush­rooms, chopped 1 Padron pepper,…


Per­fect Pork Tenderloin

Per­fect Roast Pork Ten­der­loin with Gar­lic and Rose­mary (serves 3) 1 pork ten­der­loin, all sinews and mem­branes removed 2 cloves gar­lic, minced 1 stalk rosemary,…


Moz­zarel­la-Stuffed Meatballs

Moz­zarel­la-Stuffed Meat­balls (serves 4) 1.5 pounds mixed beef, pork and lamb (or veal, or just one meat) 1 egg 1/4 cup bread­crumbs 1/4 cup milk large tbsp Italian…