Category: Poultry


Aga-Roast­ed Chicken

Aga-roast­ed Chick­en with Gar­lic and Goats Cheese (serves 4 eas­i­ly with lots of left­overs) 1 large roast­ing chick­en 2 large knobs goats cheese splash white wine…


Chick­en and Beef Stir-Fry with Mixed Vegetables

Chick­en and Beef Stir-Fry With Roast­ed Peanuts, Mixed Veg­eta­bles and Gin­ger (serves 4) 2 chick­en breasts, skin removed, sliced thin 1 sir­loin steak, sliced thin…


Bone­less Roast­ed Chicken

Bone­less Roast Chick­en (serves 4 with plen­ty of left­overs) whole boned chick­en 1/4 cup/2 ounces but­ter hand­ful flat-leaf pars­ley, chopped hand­ful fresh thyme, chopped 2…