Category: Salads


Beet Remoulade

Beet Remoulade (serves 4) 4 medi­um beets 2 tbsps may­on­naise 2 tbsps creme fraiche 1 tbsp grainy Eng­lish mus­tard juice of 1 lemon sea salt and fresh…


Cele­ri­ac Remoulade

Cele­ri­ac Remoulade (serves lots of peo­ple at a pic­nic) 1  head cele­ri­ac (cel­ery root), peeled dress­ing: olive oil, may­on­naise, whole­grain mus­tard, lemon juice (in proportions…


The Ulti­mate Salad

The Ulti­mate Sal­ad (serves four) 6 fresh beets 6 small­ish waxy pota­toes 1 large arti­choke 4 eggs dozen strips streaky bacon 1 tbsp unsalt­ed but­ter 8 sea…