Category: Vegetables


Pre­pared Artichokes

With a ser­rat­ed knife (it’s faster), cut off the top of each arti­choke about an inch down.  Cut off the stem to leave about an…


Stuffed Cour­gettes

  Stuffed Courgettes/Zucchini (serves 4) 4 round cour­gettes (as we call zuc­chi­ni in Eng­land) 1 pork sausage 1 tsp but­ter 1 shal­lot, minced 1 large…


Red Pep­per and Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms

Red Pep­per and Sausage Stuffed Mush­rooms (serves 4, one mush­room per per­son) 5 large flat mush­rooms (one to chop up for stuff­ing) 1 tsp olive oil 1…