Category: Vegetables


Roast­ed Autumn Vegetables

Roast­ed Autumn Veg­eta­bles (these hap­pen to be beets and cau­li­flower) (think a big hand­ful for each per­son) Go wild: car­rot chunks, but­ter­nut squash with a…


Baked But­ter­nut Squash with Sage

(serves 4) 2 small­ish but­ter­nut squash­es 4 tbsps but­ter 4 tbsps brown sug­ar driz­zle olive oil 16 sage leaves sprin­kle sea salt Heat oven to 400F, 200C. Line…

Sesame Aubergine (Egg­plant) 0

Sesame Aubergine (Egg­plant)

(serves 2) 1 medi­um egg­plant dress­ing as above Dice the aubergine in 1‑inch pieces (skin on). Scat­ter in an oven-proof dish, then pour dress­ing over and…