White and Milk Choco­late Chip Cake

White and Milk Choco­late Chip Cake

(serves 8)

2 cups all-pur­pose (plain) flour

3/4 cup sug­ar (cast­er)

1 tbsp bak­ing powder

pinch of fresh-grat­ed nutmeg

pinch salt

1 egg

3/4 cup heavy cream

3/4 cup milk

5 tbsps but­ter, melted

hand­ful white choco­late chips or buttons

hand­ful milk choco­late chips or buttons

Heat oven to 400F/200C.   But­ter and flour a loaf tin.

In a large bowl, stir togeth­er with a fork the flour, sug­ar, bak­ing pow­der, nut­meg and salt, com­bin­ing thor­ough­ly.  In a small bowl, beat the egg.  Stir in the cream, milk and but­ter and blend well.  Stir the wet mix­ture into the dry, stir­ring only until they are com­bined, not overmixing.

Pour the bat­ter into the loaf tin and sprin­kle on the choco­lates.  Of course, you could sub­sti­tute semi-sweet choco­late, or but­ter­scotch chips.  I made this cake with what I had in my pantry!  Bake for about 40 min­utes, check­ing then to see if the cen­ter has cooked.  Bake until a knife insert­ed into the cen­ter of the cake comes out clean.


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