Turmer­ic-Rubbed Seared Beef Tenderloin


(serves 4)

600–800g beef fillet

olive oil to coat

1/2  tsp each: corian­der seeds, sea salt, lemon zest, fresh black pepper

1 tsp soy sauce

1‑inch knob fresh turmer­ic, peeled and grat­ed, or 1/2 tsp ground turmeric

1 tsp olive oil

Coat the beef with the olive oil.  Place all oth­er ingre­di­ents in a mor­tar and pes­tle and mash until a nice paste.  Rub all over the beef fil­let and leave to mar­i­nate at least 1 hour in the fridge.

Heat the olive oil in a heavy fry­ing pan and fry the beef at a very high heat on all sides, and both ends, for a total of 10 min­utes.  Wrap tight­ly in four lay­ers of alu­mini­um foil and leave to rest for at least 10 minutes.

Slice extreme­ly thin and serve the beef with lots of fresh wild rock­et and lash­ings of shaved parme­san, the whole dish driz­zled with a good-qual­i­ty olive oil.

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