Sausage, Rock­et, Porci­ni Piz­za with Piri-Piri Oil and Mozzarella

(serves at least four gen­er­ous­ly, with three large pizzas)

800 grams strong bread flour
1/2 tbsp each dried thyme, dried basil
pinch salt
2 pack­ets dried yeast
500 ml tepid water
1 tbsp milk
1 tbsp olive oil
1 extra tbsp olive oil

toma­to sauce:
2 tbsps olive oil
1 large can whole Ital­ian plum peeled tomatoes
5 cloves gar­lic, minced
2 tsps Ital­ian seasoning
hand­ful whole basil leaves

1 pack­et Sim­ply Sausages
1 70-gram bag rock­et leaves
1 red onion, sliced thin
500 grams piz­za moz­zarel­la (less liq­uid than ordi­nary), shredded
1 cup dried porci­ni mushrooms
fresh cher­ry toma­toes, halved
Piri-piri oil to drizzle
1/2 cup fresh grat­ed parme­san to scat­ter over top

This is some­thing to make when you have a fair amount of time, to allow for the dough to rise, and a fair amount of ener­gy, to make the sauce and pre­pare the top­pings. The results will make you throw away your order-out-piz­za menus and will leave you want­i­ng to make it all over again, the next night.

For the dough, mix all the dry ingre­di­ents well with a fork, in a large bowl. Mix all the wet ingre­di­ents in a mea­sur­ing cup and pour slow­ly over the flour mix­ture, stir­ring with a fork just to absorb, then get your (clean) hands in there and knead the dough until nice and soft, slight­ly sticky. Add more flour if the dough is too sticky. When it’s nice and soft and not stick­ing to the bowl, take the dough out, oil the inside of the bowl with olive oil, roll the dough around to coat it too, and leave in a warm place till dou­bled in bulk, about 2 hours. Punch down, knead a bit, then leave to rise one more time. This is a very flex­i­ble process: the dough can rise to any amount over almost any peri­od of time and still be punched down.

Sep­a­rate the dough into three chunks and roll out with a rolling pin and plen­ty of flour shak­en about to keep it from stick­ing to the rolling sur­faces. Roll each chunk out to the size of your piz­za stone, tin or cook­ie sheet, stretch it out to cov­er the sur­face and cov­er with cling­film until ready to bake.

Place the porci­ni mush­rooms in a dish and cov­er with boil­ing water, stir­ring a bit and let­ting them sit for at least 20 min­utes, to rehy­drate. Save the water when you’re fin­ished because it makes a crack­ing addi­tion to cous­cous, risot­to, stock, pas­ta sauce, you name it.

To make the sauce, heat the olive oil and saute the gar­lic gen­tly, but don’t brown. Whizz the toma­toes in a food proces­sor till smooth, then add to the gar­lic. Sprin­kle with the Ital­ian sea­son­ing and sim­mer for about 1/2 hour or until nice­ly reduced and slight­ly thick­ened. Add basil leaves and sim­mer until wilted.

For the top­pings, use your imag­i­na­tion! You can either saute the sausages till cooked through and slice, or lib­er­ate them from their skins and saute as sausage­meat. Spoon sauce over the crust, scat­ter with top­pings as you like, and bake in a VERY hot oven (450 F, 225 C) for per­haps 10 min­utes or until the crust is nice­ly browned and crisp.


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