Chick­en Bal­lo­tine with Marsala and Goat Cheese Sauce

Chick­en Bal­lo­tine With Marsala and Goat Cheese Sauce

(serves 4)

4 chick­en breasts, ten­der­loin removed and set aside

12 mush­rooms, chopped

3 stems fresh thyme, leaves only

1/2 shal­lot, minced

2 tbsps olive oil

1 tbsp butter


1 tbsp butter

2 cloves gar­lic, minced

1/2 shal­lot, minced

1/4 cup Marsala wine

1 cup chick­en or beef stock

3 oz goat cheese

2 tbsps dou­ble cream

Lay each chick­en breast on a cut­ting board and pound with a mal­let until flat­tened.  Put the chick­en ten­der­loins in a food proces­sor and whizz until grainy.  Remove and set aside in a bowl with the fresh thyme leaves, then give the same food proces­sor treat­ment to the mush­rooms and shal­lots.  Mix all togeth­er with the chicken.

Lay each chick­en breast flat, and place 1/4 of the mush­room mix­ture on the breast.  Roll up and then roll up in a long piece of plas­tic wrap, like a sausage, or log.  Do this for all four breasts.  Twist each end of each log and tie in a knot.  Place in boil­ing water for 15 minutes.

While the chick­en poach­es, melt the but­ter for the sauce in a small fry­ing pan and fry the gar­lic and shal­lots till a bit browned.  Pour in the Marsala and cook until reduced to about 3 tbsps, just a lit­tle bit of liq­uid with the gar­lic and shal­lots sort of shiv­er­ing in the sim­mer­ing bit of liq­uid.  Add the stock and boil till reduced just slight­ly, then whisk in the goat cheese and cream.  Sim­mer low while the chick­en fin­ish­es cooking.

When the poach­ing 15 min­utes are over, heat the olive oil and but­ter for the chick­en in a large fry­ing pan.  Cut open the plas­tic-wrapped chick­en over the sink and drain well.  Place the unwrapped bal­lotines in the fry­ing pan and fry on each side, on medi­um heat, until brown all over, per­haps 3 min­utes total cook­ing.  Don’t over­cook or the chick­en will become dry.

When ready to serve, slice the bal­lotines into four slices per “bun­dle”, then driz­zle the sauce over.

1 Response

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