Chick­en Thighs Slow-Braised with White Wine and Bay Leaves

Slow-braised Chick­en Thighs in White Wine, Bay Leaf and Mushrooms

(serves 4)

8 chick­en thighs, bone-in, skin on

4 cloves gar­lic, minced

1 medi­um white onion, sliced

1/4 cup each: white wine, olive oil, chick­en stock

juice of 1/2 lemon

plen­ty of fresh black pepper

4 bay leaves

dozen chest­nut mush­rooms, sliced

hand­ful capers

1 tbsp cream

Place the chick­en thighs skin up in a nice heavy bak­ing dish.  Scat­ter over the gar­lic and onion.  Mix the wine, oil, stock and lemon juice in a small bowl, then pour over the chick­en.  Sprin­kle the black pep­per on top and tuck the bay leaves in with the onions and gar­lic.  Sprin­kle on the mush­rooms and capers.  Cov­er the whole thing tight­ly with foil.

Braise in a medi­um oven, about 325F/160C, for two hours.  Remove the foil and up the heat to about 450F/225C.  Roast in this oven for 30 min­utes, or until the skin of the thighs is gold­en and crisp.  Pour the juices and veg­eta­bles from the dish into a fry­ing pan (dis­card the bay leaves) and add a table­spoon or so of cream, whisk­ing to  mix.  This will be the best gravy you have ever, ever tasted.

3 Responses

  1. Alison Power says:

    I’m sur­prised I haven’t com­ment­ed yet that this is anoth­er of my sis­ter-in-law and my favourite recipes! Think I went direct­ly via you FB link last time…didn’t remem­ber adding the cream either so have sad­ly for­got­ten to get any but remem­ber it tast­ed superb any­way. I can imag­ine the cream makes it a lit­tle bit more ‘grand’ for din­ner par­ties — the non-fam­i­ly kind which I’m afraid I sel­dom tackle..but will remem­ber for the future!!
    PS as both times I have for­got­ten to get mush­rooms, I have used the dried Ital­ian cep ones from my store-cup­board.. I also admit to cheat­ing on the stock with the Mar­co Pierre White gel ones…

  2. Alison Power says:

    I meant Porci­ni mushrooms!

  3. I am THRILLED you are enjoy­ing this recipe, Ali! All your sub­sti­tu­tions are what I’ve done myself. Great!

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