a poem from Avery

Before I for­get, here on my desk is a framed poem from Avery, that she wrote for me on New Year’s Eve, John says com­plete­ly unprompt­ed. Of course it made me cry.

Dear Mom­my
A year has passed,
A lot has happened,
Let’s say some last
New York, the barn,
Things that have knit­ted together,
Loose­ly, with yarn/
There’s some­thing to say.
It’s Goodbye.
But be hap­py, don’t cry!
Hel­lo to England,
Oh my, oh my!
Las­so our life,
It’s wild!
And don’t for­get, adven­ture and hap­pi­ness are man and wife.

I real­l­ly like that lit­tle girl… I hope she’s feel­ing bet­ter at school and can enjoy her skat­ing les­son this afternoon.

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