in my kitchen this weekend

Just pho­tos for you this time, to inspire you to get in there cook­ing… I bet you can tell what every­thing is!  Thank you to my dar­ling pho­tog­ra­ph­er daugh­ter for the arti­choke pho­to­graph… oops, gave it away.

4 Responses

  1. antonella says:

    Loved the cake so much that I must try and repli­cate it. Where can I find the recipe?


  2. kristen says:

    Antonel­la! I’ll email you too in case you don’t get com­ment updates. It’s in the blog recipe index under desserts, as “Fely’s Apple and Banana Cake.” I since though have added cloves and nut­meg. So glad you liked it!

  3. A Work in Progress says:

    I read your blog so I can get trans­port­ed to a more grace­ful and attrac­tive world, and you nev­er dis­ap­point! The fluff on that egg is just perfect.

  4. kristen says:

    Thank you, Work. That egg cracked (so to speak) me up. Can you imag­ine a feath­er on an egg in America!

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