Knit­ting at Red Gate Farm: The New Chickens

Yes, knit­ting.  Because I had to have some­thing to dis­tract me from the intense qui­et of Life With­out Chick­ens.  Last sum­mer was such a hoot.  But one can’t have chick­ens every sum­mer.  It was a one-off, I fear.

It’s been three hap­py and for the most part peace­ful weeks here at Red Gate Farm, for one day of which Avery was here with me, then we fran­ti­cal­ly unpacked her suit­cas­es, repacked them for every­thing she would need for her sum­mer in New York, and dashed down to the city.

There we set­tled her into her room at a kind of eclec­tic board­ing house­/hostel/all-pur­pose “stay here safe­ly” des­ti­na­tion and raced fur­ther down­town to the gallery.  Where Avery saw the show, final­ly, FINALLY.

avery me wall text

We were lucky enough to be joined by our friend Anne, who had been to the open­ing par­ty and as such was con­tent to wan­der around with us see­ing it all again, and tak­ing some love­ly pho­tos.  Avery seemed very hap­py to see every­thing in place, to read her wall text, to give her reac­tions to the cul­mi­na­tion of so much hard work.

avery brenna

There were sev­er­al pieces that she had not seen in real life, help­ing me to choose them from often rather enig­mat­ic jpegs.  Appre­ci­at­ing them in the flesh was some­thing else entire­ly.  How fulfilling!

avery me dave best

What fun it all was.  One of the best days ever, to be honest.

avery colin2

We walked con­tent­ed­ly, slow­ly, through the rooms, appre­ci­at­ing each piece in its place.

avery me colin dave

What a cul­mi­na­tion, what sat­is­fac­tion.  We hon­est­ly enjoyed our­selves so much, I can’t real­ly explain it to you.

avery me outside

Then, fast-for­ward a week and John was there!  Fresh (well, not real­ly, actu­al­ly steam­ing hot as we all were) from Newark, he had jumped in an Uber with only a brief­case, and met us at the space.

john avery kate background

Now, it only looks as if Avery has spent the entire inter­ven­ing week in the gallery, because she is wear­ing the same dress!  But it was too appro­pri­ate to miss a sec­ond oppor­tu­ni­ty.  It was such fun to walk through with John, who has suf­fered right along with us in the quest of a per­fect show.

john avery duston

Anoth­er heav­en­ly after­noon.  Christ­mas card picture?

us three show

Now, Avery and I had plen­ty to tell John just from our activ­i­ties from ear­li­er in the day: the Anne Gilman stu­dio vis­it!  It was a lit­tle hairy, both of us get­ting to the Dum­bo stu­dio on time through var­i­ous mode of trans­porta­tion (car, train, sub­way).  But the vis­it was worth every­thing.  I knew Avery would love Anne’s work, and she did.

avery anneg1

Because our fam­i­ly’s taste in art is com­plete­ly pre­dictable, I knew for absolute cer­tain that Avery would be in heav­en.  If only we had walls.

avery anneg2

We are more deter­mined than ever to make anoth­er exhi­bi­tion hap­pen, in Lon­don, with Anne and some oth­er bril­liant artists we have been stalking.

avery anne3

It was time to leave Avery to her city, and come up to Red Gate Farm, just the two of us.  Of course I had been hav­ing my soli­tary (not very!) adven­tures since my arrival.  A new driveway!

mike gravel

Mike, as usu­al, and his entire fam­i­ly saved my life, my lone­ly (not very!) week.  When he was­n’t here with equip­ment to spread my new dri­ve­way, he was invit­ing me to their house for din­ner, with his beau­ti­ful family.

lauren eggs

Were there every such beau­ti­ful chil­dren?  Final­ly, this sum­mer, I don’t make Eliz­a­beth cry anymore.

elizabeth lichen

Abi­gail and I have made fast friends.

abby lichen

When I was­n’t hang­ing out at their house for din­ner, we met up at the local farm­ers market.

lyons market

The apple cider dough­nut saved me from jetlag!

doughnut averill

Or we met up for a pic­nic at a near­by lake.  Oh, the land­scape!  I was real­ly not in glassy, glossy Lon­don anymore.

river evening

Of course, Jill and her per­fect fam­i­ly turned up for a hot, steamy out­door lunch, to keep me com­pa­ny in my (not very!) isolation.


Miss­ing some­thing to take care of ter­ri­bly, I remem­bered past sum­mers with Avery’s fos­ter kit­tens.  And I found a shel­ter for myself, with kit­tens to play with.

cats may be loose

I can vis­it any time, they say.

shelter kitten

I have been vis­it­ed, this sum­mer with adult Avery in New York on her own, with enor­mous nos­tal­gia for sum­mers gone by with a child at home and her many friends vis­it­ing.  I hope that I appre­ci­at­ed them as they hap­pened, and I must say that I’m grate­ful for the blog to help me remem­ber.  It has always been such fun here, our sum­mers at Red Gate Farm.

And it all got so much bet­ter with John at home, this sum­mer!  I don’t mind being alone here, unlike my many urban friends (and daugh­ter, I think!) who would freak out at sleep­ing alone in this road on a lone­ly sum­mer’s night.  I find it cozy.  But how much nicer to have a hus­band at home, to cook for, espe­cial­ly.  His request­ed first sum­mer lunch!

tomato mozzarella

We spent a hys­ter­i­cal after­noon putting togeth­er the glo­ri­ous grill Jill and Joel gave us!

new grill

The insou­ciance of this pho­to­graph does­n’t reflect the drama.

grill instructions

We all gath­ered to appre­ci­ate the glo­ries that came therefrom.

grove lunch

How on earth is Jane near­ly taller than I am?  How is Mol­ly  8 years old?  They are so much fun now, prop­er con­ver­sa­tion­al­ist peo­ple with sto­ries to tell.

Speak­ing of sto­ries, we have been vis­it­ed with the most charm­ing of Irish­men, Vin­cent, to help us build a stone walk­way from the (new) dri­ve­way to the ter­race and from the (new) dri­ve­way to the front porch.  I could lis­ten to his accent FOR­EV­ER.  He and John are so clear­ly cut from the same Irish cloth!

john vincent

John and I then had a very, very warm and bug­gy after­noon pac­ing the five acres behind our house, look­ing for appro­pri­ate stones.  We have a lot of respect, now, for the fel­low who built our ter­race entire­ly from stones on the property.

john sourcing stones

We’ve had the first lob­ster feast of the year!

lobster feast

And clam chowder!

clam chowder

But back to knit­ting.  Because I have been.

Avery taught me the basics, very patient­ly, back in Lon­don.  But once in Con­necti­cut, I’ve had to repair to the farm­house of Judy and Rol­lie for her emer­gency help.  Rol­lie mows a bit in the back­ground, then retreats with the paper, in the shade, while Judy and I knit and dis­cuss Days of Our Lives.

rollie reading tractor

Then I had to jour­ney to near­by Tor­ring­ton when I ran out of wool.  “In Sheep­’s Cloth­ing” is an Aladdin’s cave, a mecca.

knitting shop

Its pro­pri­etor Gin­ger is a won­der­ful help and friend.  We were strangers for about four min­utes.  Here she is turn­ing my “skein” into a “ball.”

knitting ginger

Why don’t you sit down and fin­ish your yarn you have now, then I’ll help you [ha! euphemism!] begin your new wool.”  We did this, exchang­ing tales of life in Tor­ring­ton and life in Lon­don.  She did notice lots of mis­takes in what I’ve knit­ted so far.  “Do you want me to help you rip this out and begin fresh?”

No, I’ve decid­ed to embrace my mis­takes,” I said, think­ing back to my les­son in Vis­i­ble Mend­ing.  And so I have.  Knit­ting Meets Vis­i­ble Mending.

knitting visible mending

I’ve darned every sin­gle one of my mis­takes with gor­geous, vin­tage, eBay silk embroi­dery thread.  My hope is that I will make few­er holes as I go along.  (I’m not hold­ing my breath.)

And so has been our July,.  Tomor­row I head into the city for lunch with Avery!  Watch this space.

rgf evening alone

2 Responses

  1. John's Mom says:

    I do love this post but it has made me ever so lone­some for Red Gate Farm. I love how it is ever the same with slight variations–Avery a train ride away in NYC will take some get­ting used to. 

    Anoth­er thing, in the theme of con­trast with Lon­don city life, do describe the sound of coy­otes howl­ing in the night, and the fun­ny parade of wild turkeys across the lawn! OK, now I real­ly do miss it all.

    xx, John’s Mom

  2. kristen says:

    My dear, I have just dis­cov­ered this and so many oth­er love­ly com­ments from you — some­how my noti­fi­ca­tion of com­ments got sus­pend­ed! I can’t wait to get you back to Red Gate Farm in August, after our Road Trip 2018!

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