liv­ing life (at fast for­ward speed)

Much more tomor­row (or the next day, as some­thing reminds me that I promised a friend to help her cater some enor­mous polit­i­cal event tomor­row?!). Since I wrote last I’ve had count­less teas, cof­fees and lunch­es with blog­wor­thy friends, we’ve been to an amaz­ing con­cert at Roy­al Albert Hall, sur­vived Michael­mas Fair, and of course…

We have had a fab­u­lous birth­day cel­e­bra­tion week­end for Avery in Som­er­set (10th cen­tu­ry cas­tle ruins as our venue! guard­ed over by a 14th cen­tu­ry house that we actu­al­ly stayed in, guard­ing my first real… MOAT). The girls came, they unpacked with aban­don, they saw Exmoor ponies as you see, and they jumped in sloshy mud to the extent that their boots had to be… poured out, upside down. I have nev­er seen such mud.

I must col­lapse. We dropped off one girl, then Avery and me, I rushed to bake chick­en, steam broc­coli, soak some beets in bal­sam­ic vine­gar, mash pota­toes, and DIN­NER once Avery was scraped clean-ish in her bath. Now we’re all wilt­ing. But what a week­end. I wish we could keep Anna and Jamie, her intre­pid girl­friends, forever.

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