spice up your Halloween

Say you spend a day look­ing for a blonde wig (200 pounds at Sel­f­ridges? not like­ly!) and final­ly run one to earth at your child’s best friend’s house, then you help with cos­tumes, make­up and gen­er­al hys­te­ria for two 10-year-olds, and man­age to get them to the posh wilds of uber-dec­o­rat­ed South Kens­ing­ton for trick or treat­ing. You sur­vive the trek through the streets, encour­ag­ing them to push their way among the hun­dreds of small ghosts and witch­es, com­pet­i­tive par­ents and yap­ping small dogs. You see Jason Dono­van with his kids which is, OK, fair­ly cool. You get them home and receive the angel­ic father of the oth­er kid who is there to take yours home with him, FOR THE NIGHT. It’s time for din­ner. Adults only need apply.

Spicy Shrimp with Gin­ger and Turmeric
(serves 2) 

1 dozen large tiger shrimp, thawed from frozen and shelled
2 tbsps peanut oil
1 large knob gin­ger, peeled and minced
5 cloves gar­lic, minced
1 tsp turmeric
scant sprin­kle ground cumin
sea salt and ground black pepper
1 medi­um white onion, halved and sliced through
2 small red chill­ies, minced
driz­zle sesame oil
juice of 1 lime

1 soup­spoon­ful chilli gar­lic sauce (from Chi­nese grocery)
good splash Japan­ese mirin
2 tbsps seri­ous­ly good soy sauce

steamed bas­mati rice

sauteed ten­der­stem broc­col­i­ni, as much as you can eat
peanut oil and soy sauce

Thaw and thor­ough­ly drain your shrimp. Heat the peanut oil and throw in the shrimp, gin­ger, gar­lic, turmer­ic, cumin salt and pep­per, and onion and heat till shrimps turn pink. Driz­zle with sesame oil and lime juice. Take off heat and cover.

Mean­while, steam your rice and set your broc­col­i­ni on to saute. As these two are fin­ish­ing, uncov­er the shrimp, add the chilli sauce, mirin and soy, and heat HIGH. Serve all togeth­er with an emp­ty plate for the shells.


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