the one constant in life: ponies
Well, I must confess that I am in one of my favorite moods right now: still clearing up in a mild sort of way from one dinner party, and already planning my menu for… tomorrow’s dinner party. I know that sounds like the Seventh Circle of HE-Double Hockey Sticks for some of you, but I love it. Tomorrow I’ll tell you how tonight’s dinner went in more detail than merely SUBLIME, but right now, I am waxing all nostalgic. We just heard, via John’s mother’s eagle eye to the national (yea, international for us) press, of the closing of Claremont Riding Academy after 115 years. I have mixed feelings about this, since while Avery began her love affair with ponies there (look how TINY she was! four years ago! and how big she has gotten now), it wasn’t a great stable, the horses weren’t in great condition, she didn’t learn much. However.
It was in central Manhattan! Forget that, it was in just plain Manhattan, the last of its kind. And now, poof. There have been suggestions that the closure is due to the unbelievable real estate value of the building. Fair enough. But when I look at this dear little face and body, and how dear and tall she has become, I have to give credit where credit is due: Claremont began in tall. Rest in peace, 89th Street between Amsterdam and Columbus (since all addresses in New York include the specifications of between what and what).
Anyway, tomorrow I await the arrival of one of my oldest friends, who I have not seen in 10 years. Cynthia was one of my treasured college roommates, lo these 20 years ago, and her husband Mark was one of John’s roommates. I think they’re bringing two children I have never met. That is, I have never met their two children and I think they’re bringing them. It will be a marathon of… beyond “catching up,” more like, “Who did you become?” I can’t wait. So back to planning the menu… And Happy Memorial Day. I wonder how the Indy 500 went?