To Buck­ing­ham Palace We Go

Can I just say how won­der­ful it was to see her rid­ing to see the Queen?

OK, picky, picky, just to see the Queen’s house. Here’s this for a vir­tu­al hotlink sur­vey of the whole day, so you can plan your next trip to Hyde Park Corner…

Off they went, from the Rot­ten Row in Hyde Park, through the gates of Welling­ton Place at Hyde Park Cor­ner, under the Welling­ton Arch, down Pall Mall, all the way to Buck­ing­ham Palace. And Kirsty Nye, the love­ly head of the sta­ble and daugh­ter of the founder, let her ride ahead sev­er­al times so we could take pic­tures. The sky was blue, the air crisp (after last night’s soak­ing and the pre­vi­ous night’s blow­ing fren­zy). Quite gorgeous.

And… just yes­ter­day her New Year’s Res­o­lu­tion had been to ride “Wode­house,” one of the hors­es she had yet to expe­ri­ence at the sta­ble. And who did she ride today? Yes indeed. Actu­al­ly when we met up with them in the Row she was on Rowan, hap­pi­ly can­ter­ing away in the sun­shine, doing their loops and spe­cial tricks. But they then all switched ponies so the ones who had already been out got a rest and were rid­den home, and the fresh ponies got to go to the Palace. So then she was put on old P.G. (don’t for­get to pro­nounce his sur­name “Wood­house”!), and hap­pi­ly rode away. We decid­ed that enough embar­rass­ment was enough, after they cir­cled the Palace enclo­sure, and left them all to ride back on their own. What a day…

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