want to offer your opinion?


Drum­roll please…

Here is a link to the new and improved “Kris­ten in Lon­don,” still in the plan­ning stages and we’re still build­ing that recipe index! 

But I’d like to ask your opin­ion on how it looks, what you see on the first page, how the hot links work. In short…

Do you like it?

I’m open to all ideas, so let’s get the ball rolling!

13 Responses

  1. S. says:

    Hon­est­ly, I like it a lot! It’s still charm­ing­ly sim­ple and yet brighter with­out being over­whelm­ing. I’m eas­i­ly put off by web­sites that have too many ban­ners, links, pic­tures and sounds. This one looks very nice, though!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Well-designed! The spices/herbs at top are warm, invit­ing, inter­est­ing. The arti­choke-thingy is cool, too. I found myself wish­ing all images were the size of the first one, and cen­tered like it is, too, but I under­stand that takes more space …

    In your hon­or, I’ve com­posed the fol­low­ing ban­ner, should you ever need anoth­er for your web­site: “If food is art, my life is an art gallery.”

    Thanks for your blog!

    A fan.

  3. Anonymous says:

    OH I real­ly like it. I love the ban­ner with the spices and the idea of the ran­dom recipe on the side. I too hate blogs with too much busy­ness going on (and ads) but yours has retained the feel of the orig­i­nal with some spruc­ing up that real­ly is appeal­ing.

  4. Kristen In London says:

    Oh, I’m so glad, every­one! Love the ban­ner phrase, “Fan.” Min, your approval is key, of course… the key will be how the recipe index turns out.

    Also, I think that when the links are hot and click­able, the pho­tos on each post WILL be larg­er. We’ll see, and I can tweak it after that.

  5. Shelley says:

    Very crisp look­ing Kris­ten. I love the ban­ner (I think I’m going to miss those can­dles thoough…but I’m par­tial to them.)

    The arti­choke is adorable and the ran­dom recipe is perfect!!

  6. Renée says:

    Love it! There’s a warmth to it that makes you want to read on. The ban­ner is spec­tac­u­lar. Ran­dom recipe — great idea. So glad there’s a recipe index, as I’m sure every­one else is too. Way to go.

  7. Julian Krispel says:

    Very nice, seems as though every­body is at ease with our solu­tion. It could­n’t have been done with­out exten­sive feed­back from Kris­ten and co.

    All the very best

    Julian and Carl (the designers)

    PS: As Kris­ten sug­gest­ed, the pho­tos will be enlargable once you click on them.

  8. Kristen In London says:

    Thanks, again, every­one, and espe­cial­ly Julian and Carl, design­ers extraordinaires!

  9. Jo Ann says:

    I love the idea of the recipe index and I love the ban­ner as well…I’ll miss the can­dles too as I was there that evening! But, one has to move on to bigger/better things — Sim­ple, ele­gant and yet still main­tain­ing its friend­ly appeal — just right! Jo

  10. Kristen In London says:

    I know, Jo, I loved that pho­to too… but we’ll always have the memory!

  11. Just a Plane Ride Away says:

    Love it! Espe­cial­ly the index and the ran­dom recipe on the sidebar :-)

  12. Becky says:

    I love it! Now I can find your yum­my recipe eas­i­ly. The design­er did a great job to enhance the func­tion­al­i­ty and look. A great match to your enchant­i­ng sto­ries and com­men­tary. xBecky

  13. Kristen In London says:

    Thanks, JaPRA and Becky, I think it will be a fan­tas­tic addi­tion not just for you guys, but for me, and then I can see how far away I am from hav­ing a cookbook…:)

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