World’s Best Chilli with Cof­fee and Porcini

30g/1 ounce dried porci­ni mushrooms

220ml/1 cup very hot coffee

2 tbsps olive oil

1 pack­et McCormick’s HOT Chili Seasoning

2 tbsps Pen­zeys Chili 9000 seasoning

1 tbsp ground cumin

1 tbsp ground turmer­ic (or 1 tsp fresh grat­ed turmeric)

1 tbsp chili pow­der or cayenne pow­der (to taste)

1 white onion, diced

6 cloves gar­lic, fine­ly chopped

1 fur­ther tbsp olive oil

600g/1.25 lb mixed minced beef and lamb

500 ml/2 cups toma­to passata

1 soup-size tin (400g) peeled whole tomatoes

1 soup-size tin (400g) each: red kid­ney beans, pin­to beans, can­nelli­ni beans, black beans

Sea salt to taste


Gar­nish­es (option­al): Lit­tle Gem/Bibb let­tuce leaves, tor­tilla chips, sour cream, grat­ed sharp ched­dar cheese, coriander/cilantro leaves


In a bowl just big enough to hold the mush­rooms, cov­er them with the hot cof­fee and press down with a fork.  Set aside for 20 min­utes to rehy­drate the mush­rooms completely.


In a large heavy-bot­tomed saucepan, heat the olive oil and fry the sea­son­ings till fra­grant.  Add the onion and gar­lic and cook with the addi­tion­al olive oil till soft­ened.  Add the meat and fry until just cooked.  Add the toma­to pas­sa­ta and crush the whole toma­toes into the pan with your hands.  Add the beans.


Drain the rehy­drat­ed mush­rooms, reserv­ing the cof­fee.  Chop the mush­rooms coarse­ly and add them and the cof­fee to the chili mix­ture.  Taste and add salt to taste.  Cook over a low heat for 1 hour, tast­ing fre­quent­ly and adding salt as needed.


Serve as you like, tucked into let­tuce leaves or with tor­tilla chips, gar­nished with sour cream, cheese and cilantro leaves.

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