Scan­di­na­vian Flower-Egg Sal­ad with Mus­tard and Dill

(serves four hun­gry peo­ple with oth­er bits on offer as well)

2 tbsps mayonnaise
1 lb small red pota­toes, steamed
8 eggs, hard-boiled
1 head Bibb (Boston, but­ter, depend­ing on where you are) lettuce

Mus­tard-dill dressing:
1 part white wine vinegar
3 parts olive oil
3 parts heavy-grain mustard
2 tsps sugar
1 clove gar­lic, minced
salt and pepper

Shake up all ingre­di­ents in a tight­ly cov­ered jar.

hand­ful dill, chopped
1/2 red onion, diced small

On a large plate, smooth the may­on­naise in a thin lay­er. Slice the red pota­toes thick­ly and arrange them in a lay­er on the may­on­naise. Cut the eggs in quar­ter wedges and arrange on the pota­toes as flower petals. Chop the let­tuce into sliv­ers and scat­ter over eggs.

At serv­ing time, driz­zle pret­ti­ly with dress­ing and then scat­ter with dill and red onion. Deli­cious, and so light!

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