
(again, makes plenty)

1 tsp white vinegar
3 egg yolks
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
1/4 tsp white pepper
3–5 gar­lic cloves
3/4 cup olive (not vir­gin) oil
1/2 tsp salt
juice of a lemon

Mince the gar­lic as fine­ly as pos­si­ble and add it to the olive oil. If you have a small food proces­sor or blender, the two can be blend­ed togeth­er. Whisk the egg yolks with the mus­tard in a small bowl. Whisk for two min­utes, then as you whisk, begin to driz­zle in the gar­lic oil in a very thin, steady, slow stream.

The yolks and oil will begin to come togeth­er. When about half the oil is in, and the mix­ture is begin­ning to resem­ble may­on­naise, add the vine­gar and salt and pep­per. Whisk togeth­er, then con­tin­ue to driz­zle in the oil while whisk­ing. Stop before you’ve used all the oil.

Squeeze in a lit­tle lemon juice, stir it in well, then taste. If it needs more salt, lemon juice, pep­per or gar­lic oil, add it now and whisk it in until it tastes right. It should be thick and creamy, not over­ly gar­licky, with none of the oth­er fla­vors too strong.

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