Home­made Mayonnaise


Home­made Mayonnaise
(makes one cup)

1 egg yolk
1/4 tsp salt
pinch cayenne
pinch white pepper
pinch dry mustard
juice of half lemon
1 cup olive oil

With a wire whisk, beat egg yolk with salt, cayenne, pep­per and mus­tard until thick and yel­low as a lemon. Then add half the lemon juice slow­ly and beat again. Now, one drop at a time for about a minute, add olive oil. Then after the first minute, a steady but TINY stream of oil will do, whisk­ing con­stantly until the oil is used up. Now whisk in remain­ing lemon juice slow­ly. Chill, and enjoy. And ask your­self: how do they get com­mer­cial mayo to be so… white? Doesn’t make sense. One of those life mysteries.

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