Cheesy Spinach


Cheesy Spinach

(serves 4)

3 tbsps butter

2 tbsps flour

4 cloves gar­lic, minced

1–2 tsps each cel­ery salt, cel­ery seeds (to taste)

1 lb baby spinach, washed and spun dry

1 cup shred­ded melty cheese: sharp Ched­dar, Fonti­na, or Edam

2 tbsps light cream

Melt the but­ter and add the flour in a large skil­let, cook until foamy.  Add the gar­lic and cel­ery salt and saute till soft.  The mix­ture will be rather lumpy and unpromis­ing.  Do not despair.  Turn off heat.

In batch­es, put the spinach through the Cuisi­nart until fair­ly fine­ly chopped, but not mushy.  As you go through the batch­es, emp­ty each into the skil­let with the but­tery mixture.

When all the spinach is in the skil­let, add the shred­ded cheese and cream and turn on the heat, low.  Now sim­ply stir con­stant­ly until the cheese is melt­ed and the mix­ture is thor­ough­ly amal­ga­mat­ed.  Pour into a bak­ing dish — about 9x9 will work, or a pie plate — and bake at 425F/220C for 20 min­utes, till bubbling.


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