Tom Yum Paste (and soup)

Home­made Tom Yum Paste

(makes enough for soup to serve 4)

1 stalk lemon­grass, light­ly crushed, or zest of 1 lemon

1‑inch knob of gin­ger, peeled

2 cloves garlic

2 Kaf­fir lime leaves sliced thin­ly, or zest of 1 lime

1 tbsp Thai roast­ed chilli paste or chilli gar­lic sauce

Thai bird’s eye chill­ies, to taste

2 tbsps Thai fish sauce

juice of 1 lime

1 banana shal­lot, peeled and cut into chunks

pinch sug­ar

hand­ful coriander/cilantro with stems

Sim­ply place every­thing in your food proces­sor and process till as smooth as you can get it.  Dump it in a saucepan with a can of half-fat coconut milk and 2 cups/473ml water or stock (fish or chicken).

Now for the soup:

1 pound raw peeled shrimp, or chick­en breast thin­ly sliced on the bias

8 chest­nut mush­rooms, thin­ly sliced

1 bunch scallions/spring onions, thin­ly sliced both white and green part

chopped red hot chill­is to taste

hand­ful coriander/cilantro leaves, no stems

Bring the paste and milk mix­ture to a sim­mer and put in the shrimp and mush­rooms.  Sim­mer for just a cou­ple of min­utes until the shrimp are JUST cooked. Add every­thing else and serve hot.  Divine!

2 Responses

  1. john's mom says:

    My dear Kristen, 

    Being WAY too pre­oc­cu­pied with oth­er stuff late­ly, I’d near­ly for­got­ten how inspir­ing and stim­u­lat­ing your food talk can be. This takes me right back, thank you so much! The recipe for cele­ri­ac remoulade popped up on the side–I’ve print­ed them both out. My mis­sion will be to find cel­ery root and lemon­grass in Iowa, but I do have an Iowa City trip planned so there is a back­up option. 

    John’s Mom

  2. Oh, I’m so glad to inspire you! This is sim­ply the best soup. I am so hap­py that we’ll have some left­overs in the fridge when we get home hun­gry from Edin­burgh tomor­row evening. Can’t wait to cook togeth­er in August at Red Gate Farm…

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